Kebijakan Fiskal di Persimpangan, Pro Growth atau Pro Poor?
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Indonesian fiscal policy is designed as pro growth and pro poor. Fiscal space and inequality rapid growth become constraints for this policy. Beside that constraints, pro poor and pro growth fiscal policy was debatable. Okun’s Law, Kuznet Theory and inclusive growth concept were sources of this debate. This paper investigates the impact of fiscal policy on growth and inequality. Using Error Correction Model (ECM), this paper shows that between 1980 until 2015, fiscal policy become more pro growth than pro poor.
Kebijakan fiskal Indonesia dirancang dalam kerangka pro growth dan pro poor. Keterbatasan ruang fiskal dan tingginya kecepatan peningkatan ketimpangan menjadi kendala. Selain kendala tersebut, usaha untuk merancang kebijakan fiskal yang pro growth dan pro poor menjadi perdebatan. Teori Kuznet, Hukum Okun, dan konsep pertumbuhan inklusif menjadi pangkal perdebatan ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat dampak kebijakan fiskal terhadap pertumbuhan dan ketimpangan. Menggunakan Error Correction Model (ECM), hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa selama periode 1980 sampai dengan 2015 kebijakan fiskal cenderung mendorong pertumbuhan dibanding pemerataan.
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