Peer Review Proccess

  1. All manuscripts are subject to a peer-review process by at least two experts (peer reviewers) in the relevant scope of the manuscript.
  2. The review process is conducted through a double-blind review.
  3. Revealing whether the article has a clear, concise, and relevant composition as well as accuracy and originality, and interesting for the readers.
  4. Avoiding personal comments and critics
  5. Preventing direct contact from the authors without editor’s permission.
  6. Informing the reviewers as soon as possible if they can not complete the reviewing process timely and offering potential peer reviewers.
  7. Deciding on the scientific achievement, originality, and scope of works; showing how to improve and recommending acceptance or rejection utilising score valuation
  8. Considering all ethical issues, such as substantial similarities among the latest article with other published articles or other journals’ articles.
  9. Warning the editor on private conflict, financial, or conflict of interest issue and possible conflict existence
  10. Ensuring that the article which is published in accordance with journal standards
  11. Protecting the readers from wrong or falsification and unvalidated study by others
  12. Aware of failure to refer other relevant works by other scientists
  13. The decision on the manuscript is accepted, accepted with revisions, or rejected.
  14. If the author is asked to revise and resubmit the manuscript, there is no guarantee that the revised manuscript will be accepted.
  15. Manuscripts that are rejected will not be reconsidered.
  16. The journal management is conducted independently, objectively, and free from conflicts of interest.