Mengukur Dampak Annual Meetings IMF-WB 2018 terhadap Ekonomi Regional dan Nasional
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This study attempts to estimate the economic impact of organizing Annual Meetings IMF-WB 2018 Bali at the national and regional levels as well as to analyze the estimated VAT from the impacts that occur. This research utilizes secondary data in the form of reports on the implementation of monetary activities, expenditure surveys, and statistical data published by the Central Statistics Agency. The IRIO model is used to determine the value of the impact of the IMF-WB Meetings on 17 business sectors included in 34 provincial areas in Indonesia. The calculation of the estimated economic impact based on the IRIO model results in an analysis of the input output structure of sectors, regions, multiplier effects, direct and indirect economic impact results. The Government of Indonesia and the Bali region as the host has successfully held the 2018 IMF-WB Annual Meetings, with a total government expenditure of 1.1 trillion rupiah in 2018 resulting in a total direct impact of 2.9 trillion rupiah and an indirect impact of 7.8 trillion rupiah, including the estimated VAT revenue of 238 billion rupiah.
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